⇔ Presentation and History
PRESENTATION: PPGLetras/UFC offers a graduate course at the Master’s and Doctorate level in the area of Comparative Literature. The Master’s degree is a 24 -month program. The master student must complete a minimum of thirty credits of which at least twenty-four for the courses from the curriculum and six for the activities related to the master’s dissertation. The Doctorate is a 48-month program. The doctoral student must complete a minimum of sixty credits of which at least forty-six for the courses from the curriculum and twelve for the activities related to the doctoral thesis.
HISTORY: The Federal University of Ceará – UFC Graduate Program in Literature— constituted by CONSUNI Resolution nº 8 (09/29/1988)—is an academic center in literary studies for the state of Ceará and for neighboring states. The graduate program trains students to become university professors of literature or to teach at the high school level. The UFC graduate program also trains staff to work at public and cultural institutions. The Program has realized the most part of the studies in literature in two directions: 1) incorporation and updating of national and international literary studies; 2) research, evaluation and divulgation of regional and local erudite as well as popular literary production.